There's not enough going on in the local Semper Fi inn and I'm bored so I thought I'd start a thread. So far, how do you like the class you chose, what do you not like, what do you think your strength is in groups, etc.?
My main is a pally... probably one of the most fun classes I've played. I like the fact that they can wear bling-bling plate armor and manage to survive some of the most "oh shit I'm dead" situations. I've found they are almost unkillable in PVE.. granted that you are prepared to sit through 10 minute fights. However, they are high on defense/survivability and healing and so will always likely be lacking in damage dealing... just something you have to accept. No matter how much they buff the ret tree, if you want to dps, a paladin will only frustrate you. That is why I plan on healing and perhaps off-tanking in end-game, playing to the class's strength.
My mage is a helluva lot of fun and a nice counterpoint to the pally... all nuke w/ little survivability. Prob. the 2nd most fun class I've played and can be quite helpful in parties due to crowd-control and nukage.
My least favorite classes: hunters and warlocks. Prob. b/c strong pet builds are the best for leveling up but at the same time extremely boring to play, so I've never managed to level a hunter/lock very far.