Yep we did awesome last night, and I dunno bout the rest of you but it was fun as hell. The trash pulls were almost like Kara bosses. Mass pyroblast ftw! I hope we can start visiting the eye on a regular basis, and we are a hair away from having Gruul's on farm.
VR seems easy enough. My observations:
- It's just a new dance we need to learn, like avoiding Shade's spells. Once we learn it, it will be cake.
- We were all probably sick of sitting at our computer by the end last night, and started getting a bit cranky. It happens. Don't take anything too personally.
- For all you dps yelling at the healers, it really isn't quite as simplistic as you might think. We have to be on top of our heal targets every second of the fight. A couple of seconds of distraction can (and has in my own experience) resulted in a wipe. At the same time, the energy balls don't move THAT slow and the blast radius is large, so you really need to start moving away IMMEDIATELY when you see it coming or you will get hit by the blast.
This means that healers have to have even more focus and reaction speed. React to the ball too late and you get hit. But this means removing our attention for those seconds from the heal targets, and we can't heal as we're running around (at least pallies can't). The best solution is to make sure we know our assigned position around the boss and get back there as soon as we can after dodging a ball. That way we have healer coverage all around the boss and his ball won't disrupt EVERY healer in the raid, leaving nobody to heal the tank.
And I really don't want to hear people yelling that we only have to worry about healing the tanks in this fight, because "nobody else should be taking damage". I saw pretty much everybody get hit at least once last night by the balls. That means we need to heal your sorry ass too
DPS has it easy... get distracted and the only thing that happens is your DPS drops a little. Cut your healers some slack