Dear Kara group 2:
Hello, guildies.
Tonight, June 11th, Kara group 1 downed the Prince on our second try. Every week we progress further and further into Karazhan and I expect we’ll have it fully cleared very soon.
I know that some of you may feel a little frustrated that group 2 is having a little trouble getting started each night due to attendance, not having the enough tanks / healers, etc. Well, I’m writing this to let you guys know that YOU will be experiencing full runs through Kara soon. Despite what it may seem like, Kara 1 is not trying to leave you behind.
Here’s the deal. Kara is just the beginning of WoW endgame. There are many more raid instances after Kara, and they are 25 man instances. For this reason, Kara group 2, you are
essential to Semper Fi and our goals of Endgame domination.
In a few more weeks, after group 1 is mostly “Epic’d” out, we are going to try to start subbing more people into group 1. And vice versa, group 1 players may jump into group 2 to help you guys out. You see, the guild won’t be able to go any further into Endgame without You Epic’d out too! We need you!
Also – concerning the problem of not having the right attendance and group make up – Karazhan is capped at 10 players, therefore every single player and class has to be just right. This is what makes it so hard to get the group together at night. However, Gruul’s and Magtheridon’s are 25 man raids. Once we progress to those zones the exact makeup of the group will not be quite as important and it will be much easier to get started.
You will wipe. A lot! That’s a promise. But that will make it so much sweeter when you finally down the bosses. Group 1 wiped
ENDLESSLY on Maiden and Moroes. But we’re learning to play with each other, we’re learning each other’s styles and we’re really beginning to gel. And now, look at us, we’re on the verge of a full clear of Karazhan.
My main point is, what I’ve learned about Karazhan is that it’s a real test of a guild’s character. I’ve read that Karazhan has destroyed some guilds, and it’s easy to see why. The ten man cap is difficult. It forces us to have two groups, and that leads to some folks having feelings that we’re actually two guilds! But don’t worry, I’m here to assure you, we are ONE guild, we are Semper Fi. We are an Endgame raiding guild. Group 2, you are vital to this guild and our mission.
There is no life after Kara without YOU. Group 1 is going to clear Kara, then group 2 is going to do the same. And then it’s onto Magtheridon’s Lair, Gruul’s Lair, and even Serpent Shrine Cavern!